Help with Debian solr/jetty install?
Jan-Pascal van Best
2007-11-23 20:13:25 UTC
Hi all,

I'm the maintainer of the Debian solr-jetty package, so I thought I'd
step in. Solr-jetty worked with an earlier version of the Debian Jetty
package, but it doesn't any more with the current Jetty version.
Moreover, the snoop.jsp demo page (http://localhost:8280/snoop.jsp) also
doesn't work, and gives the same error message
(javax.servlet.error.exception: java.lang.IllegalStateException: No Java
compiler available). I think the issue is with the Debian Jetty
packaging, not with Solr. I'll try and contact the maintainer of the
Debian jetty package.
Hmmm. I'm not seeing solar.war anywhere under the solr symlinked from
/usr/share/jetty/webapps. Is that the problem here?
No, it's meant to be that way. What you see in /usr/share/solr is
(mostly) the unpacked solr.war, the same way jetty would unpack it if
you placed it in /usr/share/jetty/webapps.
have you by any chance attempted to get the debian install of jetty
to compile/run a simple helloworld.jsp ? If that doesn't work, then
you have a much more fundemental problem with the way Jetty is setup
then anything related to Solr.
I haven't tried that. I'd have to get proficient in JSP :-)
As I wrote above, snoop.jsp does not work with Jetty either. I'll file a
bug on the jetty Debian package.


