2007-06-05 05:28:45 UTC
Hello All,

Where can I find documentation on db_get, db_stop, db_purge, db_create,
db_upgrade etc, the man page for debconf touches on this but really
doesn't go into detail on how to use them.

Also where can I find documentation on dbconfig-common

I am attempting to package a php web app (ampache), I have managed to
create a package and have tested it on a fresh deb 4.0 install. Ampache
installed ok but the remove/purge failed.

Is there a way for me to get a mentor that has this type experience?

Since I do have a package (and I know it has problems) if I upload it to
mentors.debian.net will my package be rejected, or will I be assigned a
mentor to help with it. I am not looking for someone to do it for me, I
am looking for someone to *teach* me how to do it.


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Jan-Pascal van Best
2007-06-05 05:59:56 UTC
Hi Charlie,

For what it's worth, you can took a look at a PHP app I'm packaging for
Debian to use as an example:
Add the line
deb-src http://www.vanbest.org/debian unstable main contrib non-free
to your /etc/apt/sources.list;
# apt-get update
$ apt-get source phpesp

Or look at the subversion repository:
$ svn co http://svn.vanbest.org/svn/phpesp
or look at the websvn at

Other info about dbconfig-common is at
and some more at

Hope this helps,

To UNSUBSCRIBE, email to debian-webapps-***@lists.debian.org
with a subject of "unsubscribe". Trouble? Contact ***@lists.debian.org
sean finney
2007-06-05 06:28:33 UTC
hi charliej,

just to add a little to what jan said, there's also the same documentation
in /usr/share/doc/dbconfig-common, but also including some example packages
showing some of the different stuff you can do with it.

from the webapp (i.e. apache configuration) side of things, the situation is
much more of a wild-west environment. i'm working on pushing out a
webapps-common package to fill this niche, but it won't be ready until after
some intensive hacking sessions at debconf (the conference, not the fine

as for sponsoring, you should feel free to ask here (in addition to the
standard places like debian-mentors or irc). unfortunately i won't have any
time to look at it myself in the next couple weeks, but maybe someone else
will step up? otherwise, if you're still looking for someone after debconf
(which ends near the end of this month), maybe we can work out some kind of
mutual arrangement where you help test-pilot the webapps-common package and i
help with any sponsorship/mentorship you might need :)

