PEAR packages and /usr/bin/pear layout
sean finney
2006-10-25 13:17:25 UTC
hey folks,

(please keep pkg-php cc'd for reference)

recently i've been working a lot with the php team to get the php
packages in good shape for the upcoming etch release. i've made a lot
of progress on most fronts.

i've come across one particular issue which i think would be very nice
to have solved pre-etch:

#311267: php4-pear: Updating deb package overwrites manualy updated PEAR

i know reasonable include paths have been proposed in the past (and are
probably somewhere in draft-php), but i don't recall whether or not
anyone proposed a decent configuration that would actually achieve this
for /usr/sbin/pear.

so, consider this your chance to do so. we have a couple days before
pushing an upload to etch becomes somewhere between difficult and
impossible, so time is limited, fyi :)

