Christopher Schmidt
2007-12-31 05:29:23 UTC
It looks like this goes about halfway, and follows a similar pattern to
what I did for the bits it does. I just added a lot more fluff around
it, especially the actual linking of it into Apache.
I'd like to see a discussion about how to package JS libraries, flashwhat I did for the bits it does. I just added a lot more fluff around
it, especially the actual linking of it into Apache.
bits and similar on the debian-webapps list, and perhaps something
I imagine checking out the fckeditor packaging would also be
instructive for openlayers packaging.
-- it does not include anything to actually enable the application to be
used, other than a comment in README.Debian.
This is in violation of the "should" suggestions in
(Obviously not a bug -- simply a lack of functionality.)
I've CCed debian-webapps, though in the past 5 months there have only
been 4 non-spam threads on that list, so I don't know how much response
this will draw in.
For context to debian-webapps: this discussion is about packaging of
OpenLayers, a Javascript web mapping library. The current debian
packaging materials are in , and as best I can
understand, it meets all the requirements of the webapps-common draft
policy. A thread was started at:
and should be read for more context.
I've subscribed to both lists.
Christopher Schmidt
Christopher Schmidt