Post by Neil McGovernPost by Charles FryIt would be nice to have a dedicated Debian mailing list for PHP,
similar to those for other prominent languages. While the webapps
mailing list has its role with respect to web applications, I can't help
but thinking that we would benefit from a debian-php list as well.
Well, this was the original name for debian-webapps :)
Have a look at the following refs for discussion of why this isn't just
And I am arguing that we should also have a debian-php list. :-)
I think that the arguments for a webapps mailing list are justified, but
I feel that they tried to provide a single solution to two different
I think that there are (at least) two distinct types of discussions on
debian-webapps. Those that are specific to PHP, that really belong on a
debian-php list. And those that are about webapp policy type issues,
which are more fit for the webapps list. I personally see almost no
overlap here.
The biggest problem that I have with the current setup (i.e. the lack of
a debian-php list) is visibility. Someone comes along and wants to
package some PHP modules. They do a quick search and find no PHP list,
so go off and do things on their own. There is no reason why someone
working with some PHP packages (especially that aren't webapps) would be
attracted to the webapps mailing list, any more than someone packaging
an apache module would be attracted to webapps.
The webapps list may have its own unique purpose, but I don't think that
makes up for the lack of a debian-php list.
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